Thursday, May 16, 2024

What Goes On

Moving past Al Green: another constituent element of the early Free School experience, as documented both in Synchronized Chaos and Argotist Online Poetry: the giddiness, the euphoria, the high. I got a buzz then from being with Mary H. that was incredibly about ecstasy, a sense of time standing still at the most gracious possible angle. The waves we rode and swam in together were soporific. Flash fast-forward a bit for this one: by the end of '02, Mary and I were ensconced, night by night, doing Logan Square to West Philly and back. Abby could be with us at any moment. When it was the three of us at 154 (North 21st Street), I liked to play DJ for the ladies, often while we tripped. The third Velvet Underground album was a perennial favorite. Then back to PAFA, to understood how the earliest encounters with Miss H ranked, as highlights and talismans to hold for the rest of my life. The Velvets were around for those, too. And this tune takes us to exactly the right skyrocketing sensibility, to understand what it means to fall in love for real. This is how it felt, to be madly in love with Miss H: the mystery, the intermittent sense of division and reconnection, the sense of the sky, the ground, and all points in between as jounced alive, throbbing, active, set in motion. The two of us, as artists, were lucky to get there even once, let alone stay there. That we did remain in that charmed place for that long, after all these years and many eternities, could only have been luck, or a gift, complete and green, from the cosmos. 

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